2012 BMW ActiveHybrid 5 Insurance Quotes in 2024

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Jeffrey Johnson

Insurance Lawyer

Jeffrey Johnson is a legal writer with a focus on personal injury. He has worked on personal injury and sovereign immunity litigation in addition to experience in family, estate, and criminal law. He earned a J.D. from the University of Baltimore and has worked in legal offices and non-profits in Maryland, Texas, and North Carolina. He has also earned an MFA in screenwriting from Chapman Univer...

Insurance Lawyer

UPDATED: May 28, 2024

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Advertiser Disclosure: We strive to help you make confident car insurance decisions. Comparison shopping should be easy. We are not affiliated with any one car insurance provider and cannot guarantee quotes from any single provider.

Our insurance industry partnerships don’t influence our content. Our opinions are our own. To compare quotes from many different companies please enter your ZIP code on this page to use the free quote tool. The more quotes you compare, the more chances to save.

Editorial Guidelines: We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about auto insurance. Our goal is to be an objective, third-party resource for everything auto insurance related. We update our site regularly, and all content is reviewed by auto insurance experts.

Want better auto insurance rates for your BMW ActiveHybrid 5? Buying affordable auto insurance may at first seem to be challenging for drivers new to comparing rates on the internet. With literally dozens of companies competing online, how are drivers able to efficiently compare every company in order to find better prices?

You should make it a habit to get comparison quotes on a regular basis because prices change regularly. If you had the best rates on ActiveHybrid 5 insurance a few years ago you may be paying too much now. Block out anything you think you know about auto insurance because you’re about to learn the things you must know in order to save on auto insurance.

If you have car insurance now, you stand a good chance to be able to save some money using these techniques. Finding the cheapest car insurance coverage can be fairly easy. Nevertheless, consumers need to have an understanding of how insurance companies determine prices.

Compare free car insurance price quotes

Comparing car insurance rates can be exhausting if you don’t know the most efficient way to do it. You could spend the better part of a day talking to local insurance agents in your area, or you could use the internet for quick rates.

Most car insurance companies take part in a program that enables customers to only type in their quote data once, and at least one company can provide price quotes based on that data. This prevents consumers from doing quote requests to each company.

To compare rates now enter your zip code here.

The only drawback to getting quotes like this is you are unable to specify the companies to get pricing from. So if you prefer to pick individual companies to receive pricing from, we have assembled a list of companies who write car insurance in your area. Click to enter zip code for insurance companies.

Compare rates however you want, just be certain you are entering apples-to-apples deductibles and coverage limits for each comparison quote. If you use mixed coverages it’s impossible to make a fair comparison for your BMW ActiveHybrid 5. Just a small difference in insurance coverages may result in a large different in cost. Just remember that obtaining a wide range of quotes will enable you to find better pricing. Some companies don’t provide online price quotes, so you also need to get rates on coverage from those companies, too.

Don’t be fooled by advertising claims

21st Century, Allstate and State Farm continually stream ads on TV and radio. All the ads try to convey promises about how much you will save if you switch your policy. How can each company sell you cheaper insurance coverage? It’s all in the wording.

Insurance companies provide the lowest rates for the type of driver that earns them the highest profit. For example, a profitable risk profile may need to be over age 30, has never had a policy lapse, and drives a safe vehicle. A driver that meets those criteria will get very good prices and will also save when they switch companies.

Drivers who are not a match for the ideal profile will be charged more expensive rates which results in the driver buying from a lower-cost company. If you listen to the ad wording, they say “people who switch” not “all people who quote” save that much. That’s the way companies can truthfully make those claims.

This really emphasizes why you need to get a wide range of price quotes. Because you cannot predict the company that will have better car insurance rates than you’re paying now.

Discounts can really help to save

The cost of insuring your cars can be expensive, but companies offer discounts that can drop the cost substantially. Some trigger automatically when you purchase, but some must be requested specifically prior to receiving the credit.

  • Safe Driver Discounts – Insureds without accidents may receive a discount up to 45% on ActiveHybrid 5 insurance than less cautious drivers.
  • Active Service Discounts – Being on active deployment in the military can result in better insurance rates.
  • More Vehicles More Savings – Buying a policy with primary and secondary vehicles on one policy can get a discount for every vehicle.
  • Payment Method – By making one initial payment instead of paying each month you can avoid the installment charge.
  • Passive Restraints – Vehicles equipped with air bags could see savings as much as 30%.
  • Drive Less and Save – Keeping the miles down on your BMW could earn lower premium rates due to less chance of an accident.
  • Home Ownership Discount – Being a homeowner may trigger a policy discount on insurance because owning a home is proof that your finances are in order.
  • Good Students Pay Less – Getting good grades may save you up to 25%. Earning this discount can benefit you up to age 25.
  • College Student – Children who attend college more than 100 miles from home without a vehicle on campus may be insured at a cheaper rate.

Consumers should know that some credits don’t apply to all coverage premiums. Some only reduce individual premiums such as liability, collision or medical payments. Just because it seems like all those discounts means the company will pay you, it’s just not the way it works. But all discounts will positively reduce the cost of coverage.

A few of the larger companies and a selection of discounts can be read below.

  • GEICO may offer discounts for air bags, five-year accident-free, defensive driver, membership and employees, federal employee, and driver training.
  • Mercury Insurance includes discounts for accident-free, anti-theft, professional/association, age of vehicle, and good student.
  • Farmers Insurance discounts include electronic funds transfer, pay in full, business and professional, good student, and switch companies.
  • Auto-Owners Insurance has discounts for paperless, multi-policy, group or association, teen driver, mature driver, and safe driver.
  • Liberty Mutual offers discounts for hybrid vehicle, newly married, good student, preferred payment discount, teen driver discount, exclusive group savings, and multi-car.
  • SAFECO offers discounts including teen safety rewards, accident prevention training, drive less, anti-lock brakes, anti-theft, and safe driver.
  • Progressive offers premium reductions for multi-policy, multi-vehicle, good student, online signing, online quote discount, continuous coverage, and homeowner.
  • USAA has savings for military installation, multi-vehicle, new vehicle, driver training, vehicle storage, family discount, and loyalty savings.

Before you buy a policy, ask each company the best way to save money. Some credits might not apply in every state.

Will just any policy work for me?

When buying the right insurance coverage, there isn’t really a “best” method to buy coverage. Every insured’s situation is different.

For instance, these questions can aid in determining if you might need professional guidance.

  • Does my policy pay for OEM or aftermarket parts?
  • What happens if I owe more than my 2012 BMW ActiveHybrid 5 is worth?
  • What is the rate difference between pleasure use and commuting?
  • Am I covered if I drive in a foreign country?
  • When can my company non-renew my policy?
  • Is my camper covered by my car insurance policy?
  • When should my teen driver be added to my policy?
  • Why does it cost so much to insure a teen driver?
  • Does my insurance cover my expensive audio equipment?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions but one or more may apply to you, then you may want to think about talking to a licensed agent. To find an agent in your area, simply complete your zip code.

The coverage is in the details

Learning about specific coverages of your auto insurance policy can help you determine which coverages you need and proper limits and deductibles. The terms used in a policy can be ambiguous and nobody wants to actually read their policy.

Auto liability insurance – This provides protection from injuries or damage you cause to people or other property. This coverage protects you from claims by other people. It does not cover your injuries or vehicle damage.

Coverage consists of three different limits, bodily injury per person, bodily injury per accident and property damage. Your policy might show limits of 50/100/50 that translate to a $50,000 limit per person for injuries, a per accident bodily injury limit of $100,000, and a total limit of $50,000 for damage to vehicles and property. Occasionally you may see a combined limit which limits claims to one amount with no separate limits for injury or property damage.

Liability insurance covers things like medical expenses, repair bills for other people’s vehicles, funeral expenses, bail bonds and repair costs for stationary objects. How much coverage you buy is a personal decision, but buy as much as you can afford.

Medical payments and PIP coverage – Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and medical payments coverage provide coverage for immediate expenses like ambulance fees, hospital visits, surgery, pain medications and rehabilitation expenses. The coverages can be utilized in addition to your health insurance program or if you are not covered by health insurance. Coverage applies to all vehicle occupants in addition to any family member struck as a pedestrian. Personal injury protection coverage is only offered in select states and may carry a deductible

UM/UIM (Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist) coverage – This coverage gives you protection from other motorists when they either have no liability insurance or not enough. Covered claims include injuries to you and your family and also any damage incurred to your BMW ActiveHybrid 5.

Because many people have only the minimum liability required by law, it only takes a small accident to exceed their coverage. That’s why carrying high Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage should not be overlooked. Frequently the UM/UIM limits are identical to your policy’s liability coverage.

Comprehensive auto coverage – Comprehensive insurance coverage covers damage caused by mother nature, theft, vandalism and other events. You need to pay your deductible first then your comprehensive coverage will pay.

Comprehensive can pay for claims such as damage from getting keyed, hail damage, damage from flooding and hitting a deer. The maximum amount you’ll receive from a claim is the market value of your vehicle, so if the vehicle is not worth much consider removing comprehensive coverage.

Collision coverage – Collision insurance pays for damage to your ActiveHybrid 5 resulting from a collision with a stationary object or other vehicle. A deductible applies then the remaining damage will be paid by your insurance company.

Collision coverage pays for things such as hitting a mailbox, colliding with a tree and sustaining damage from a pot hole. Collision is rather expensive coverage, so consider removing coverage from vehicles that are older. Another option is to increase the deductible to save money on collision insurance.

Save for a rainy day

Budget-friendly insurance coverage can be purchased online and with local insurance agents, and you need to comparison shop both in order to have the best price selection to choose from. Some insurance coverage companies don’t offer internet price quotes and most of the time these small insurance companies only sell coverage through independent agents.

When getting car insurance quotes online, it’s not a good idea to buy less coverage just to save a little money. In many cases, drivers have reduced full coverage only to find out they didn’t have enough coverage. The ultimate goal is to find the BEST coverage at the lowest possible cost but still have enough coverage for asset protection.

Insureds switch companies for a number of reasons such as questionable increases in premium, high rates after DUI convictions, high prices and even extreme rates for teen drivers. Whatever your reason, finding the right insurance coverage provider is less work than it seems.

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