Compare 2017 Ford Transit Van Insurance Rates in 2024

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Jeffrey Johnson

Insurance Lawyer

Jeffrey Johnson is a legal writer with a focus on personal injury. He has worked on personal injury and sovereign immunity litigation in addition to experience in family, estate, and criminal law. He earned a J.D. from the University of Baltimore and has worked in legal offices and non-profits in Maryland, Texas, and North Carolina. He has also earned an MFA in screenwriting from Chapman Univer...

Insurance Lawyer

UPDATED: Apr 5, 2024

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No one likes having to buy insurance, especially when they could find lower prices if they just compared rates.

Multiple insurance companies compete for your hard-earned dollar, and because of this it can be hard to compare insurers to find the absolute lowest price

If you are paying for car insurance now, you will be able to save some money using these techniques. Buying car insurance is not rocket science. But drivers need to have an understanding of how companies price insurance differently.

Lower rate quotes by taking advantage of discounts

Some providers do not list every possible discount very clearly, so the list below gives a summary of a few of the more well known as well as some of the hidden discounts that you can inquire about if you buy insurance online.

  • Low Mileage Discounts – Low annual miles can qualify you for lower rates due to less chance of an accident.
  • Passive Restraints and Air Bags – Factory air bags and/or automatic seat belt systems may qualify for discounts of more than 20%.
  • Good Driver Discount – Safe drivers can pay as much as 50% less on Transit van insurance as compared to drivers with claims.
  • Mature Driver Discount – If you’re over the age of 55, you may be able to get a small decrease in premiums on Transit van insurance.
  • Discount for New Cars – Buying a new car instead of a used car is cheaper since newer vehicles are generally safer.

You should keep in mind that some credits don’t apply to the overall cost of the policy. Some only reduce individual premiums such as collision or personal injury protection. Just because it seems like it’s possible to get free car insurance, you’re out of luck.

To see insurance companies who offer car insurance discounts, enter your zip code here.

The cheapest auto insurance quotes online

Most companies make it easy to get prices on the web. Getting online quotes is very simple as you just enter the coverages you want as detailed in the form. After you submit the form the system obtains information on your driving record and credit history and generates pricing information determined by many factors. Being able to quote online makes it a lot easier to compare rates but having to visit each company’s website and repetitively enter the same data into a form can be a bit repetitive. Unfortunately, it is important to do this if you are searching for a better rate.

Isn’t there an easier way to compare rates?

A better way to find lower prices uses one form that gets price quotes from more than one company. The form is fast, requires much less work on your part, and makes price shopping online much easier. Immediately after submitting the form, it is rated with multiple companies and you can pick your choice of the quote results. If you find a better price you simply finish the application and purchase the new policy. This process takes 15 minutes at the most and could lower your rates considerably.

To use this form to compare rates, simply enter your zip code here and fill out the form. If you currently have coverage, we recommend you enter coverages and limits as close as possible to your current policy. This way, you’re receiving rate comparison quotes based on the exact same insurance coverage.

Informed drivers save on insurance

One of the most helpful ways to save on car insurance is to to have a grasp of the factors that are used to determine car insurance rates. If you know what impacts premium levels, this empowers consumers to make smart changes that can help you get lower premium levels. Multiple criteria are considered when you quote your car insurance policy. Some are pretty understandable like a motor vehicle report, but some are not as apparent such as your marital status or how financially stable you are.

  • Filing claims can cost you more – If you tend to file frequent claims, you can pretty much guarantee much higher rates or policy non-renewal. Auto insurance companies generally give the lowest premiums to policyholders who do not rely on their insurance for small claims. Insurance coverage is intended for the bigger claims that can’t be paid out-of-pocket.
  • Do you need those extra policy coverages? – Insurance policies have a lot of extra add-on coverages you can purchase when buying car insurance. Coverages like vanishing deductibles, accident forgiveness, and term life insurance could be just wasting money. They may seem good at first, but if you’ve never needed them in the past eliminate them to save money.
  • Liability coverage limits are a factor – The liability coverage on your policy will provide protection when you are determined to be liable for causing personal injury or damage in an accident. It will provide for a legal defense which can cost thousands of dollars. It is affordable coverage compared to physical damage coverage, so do not cut corners here.
  • Always keep your coverage in place – Driving without insurance coverage in place is a misdemeanor and your next policy will cost more because you let your insurance expire. Not only will you pay higher rates, being ticketed for driving with no insurance will get you a license revocation or jail time.
  • Alarm systems systems cut car insurance rates – Owning a car with a theft deterrent system can save you some money. Advanced theft deterrents like vehicle immobilizer systems, OnStar, and tracking devices like LoJack can help prevent car theft and help bring rates down.
  • Insurance rates for married couples – Walking down the aisle actually saves money when buying car insurance. Having a significant other generally demonstrates drivers are more financially stable and insurance companies like that drivers who are married file infrequent claims.
  • Improve your credit history and save – An insured’s credit score can be a huge factor in calculating your car insurance rates. People that have excellent credit tend to be more responsible than those with lower credit scores. If your credit is low, you may save money insuring your 2017 Ford Transit Van by taking the time to improve your credit score.

How much insurance do I need?

When it comes to choosing coverage for your vehicles, there is no cookie cutter policy. Every situation is different so your insurance should reflect that These are some specific questions could help you determine if your insurance needs might need an agent’s assistance.

  • Is Motor Club coverage worth it?
  • Does my car insurance cover rental cars?
  • How can I get high-risk coverage after a DUI?
  • How much underlying liability do I need for an umbrella policy?
  • Does my insurance cover damage caused when ticketed for reckless driving?
  • When does my teenage driver need to be added to my policy?
  • Can I afford to buy a different vehicle if my 2017 Ford Transit Van is totaled?

If you’re not sure about those questions but one or more may apply to you, you may need to chat with an agent. To find an agent in your area, simply complete your zip code.

Insurance policy specifics

Having a good grasp of your policy can help you determine the right coverages and the correct deductibles and limits. The coverage terms in a policy can be impossible to understand and nobody wants to actually read their policy. Listed below are typical coverages found on the average insurance policy.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage

This coverage gives you protection when the “other guys” either have no liability insurance or not enough. Covered losses include medical payments for you and your occupants and also any damage incurred to your 2017 Ford Transit Van.

Since many drivers have only the minimum liability required by law, it doesn’t take a major accident to exceed their coverage limits. This is the reason having UM/UIM coverage is important protection for you and your family.

Auto collision coverage

This covers damage to your Transit Van resulting from a collision with another car or object. You first must pay a deductible then the remaining damage will be paid by your insurance company.

Collision coverage protects against things such as crashing into a ditch, sustaining damage from a pot hole and hitting a parking meter. This coverage can be expensive, so analyze the benefit of dropping coverage from vehicles that are 8 years or older. Another option is to bump up the deductible to bring the cost down.

Liability car insurance

This provides protection from damage that occurs to people or other property. This coverage protects you against claims from other people. It does not cover your own vehicle damage or injuries.

Split limit liability has three limits of coverage: per person bodily injury, per accident bodily injury, and a property damage limit. You commonly see policy limits of 50/100/50 that translate to a $50,000 limit per person for injuries, a per accident bodily injury limit of $100,000, and a limit of $50,000 paid for damaged property.

Liability coverage protects against things such as medical expenses, funeral expenses, bail bonds, repair bills for other people’s vehicles and structural damage. How much liability should you purchase? That is up to you, but it’s cheap coverage so purchase higher limits if possible.

Medical payments coverage and PIP

Med pay and PIP coverage kick in for short-term medical expenses for things like funeral costs, chiropractic care, pain medications and hospital visits. They are used to cover expenses not covered by your health insurance plan or if you do not have health coverage. They cover all vehicle occupants in addition to if you are hit as a while walking down the street. PIP is not universally available and may carry a deductible

Comprehensive coverage

This coverage pays to fix your vehicle from damage caused by mother nature, theft, vandalism and other events. You need to pay your deductible first and then insurance will cover the rest of the damage.

Comprehensive coverage protects against claims such as falling objects, hitting a bird, hitting a deer, damage from flooding and a broken windshield. The most a insurance company will pay at claim time is the market value of your vehicle, so if your deductible is as high as the vehicle’s value consider dropping full coverage.

And the best car insurance company is…

In this article, we covered a lot of information how to lower your 2017 Ford Transit Van insurance car insurance rates. The key thing to remember is the more companies you get premium rates for, the higher your chance of finding low cost insurance. Consumers may even find the lowest car insurance rates come from a small local company. These smaller insurers may only write in your state and offer lower premium rates than their larger competitors like State Farm and Allstate.

Lower-priced 2017 Ford Transit Van insurance can be purchased on the web in addition to local insurance agencies, and you should be comparing both so you have a total pricing picture. Some insurance providers do not offer online quoting and most of the time these regional insurance providers prefer to sell through independent agencies.

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